Financial Planning Grounded in Biblical Principles

Peak Financial Management is a team of Christian Financial Advisors and Certified Kingdom Advisors® (CKA®) that help you go beyond traditional financial planning. Our approach integrates biblical wisdom with technical expertise to help you steward your resources faithfully.
Serving clients across the United States.


Our comprehensive financial planning services help you approach faithful stewardship with confidence.

How You Give

Personal Charitable Giving Plan

Create a giving strategy that reflects your faith and values, maximizing the impact of your generosity while navigating the tax implications of charitable giving.
How You Invest

Active, Engaged, & Intentional Portfolios

Invest in ways that reflect your values and promote human flourishing, using a hands-on approach that aligns with biblical principles and engages with companies that make a positive difference.
How You Spend

Purposeful Decision-Making

Make informed spending choices that reflect your values and honor God, understanding the long-term impact of your financial decisions while balancing current needs with future goals.

Traditional financial planning doesn’t always help you make decisions that reflect your Christian faith.

The temptations of wealth are very real, and it’s easy to lose sight of Jesus along the way.
Missing out on the spiritual richness of aligning financial decisions with biblical wisdom.
Unable to give joyfully
Disharmony with Jesus' teaching and your faith
Schedule a Discovery Call
We believe every Christian deserves to learn how to manage their wealth in ways that honor (glorify) God.

Why Peak Financial Management?

Guiding you to steward money in ways that honor God.

We know you take your role as a disciple of Jesus seriously. That’s why Peak Financial is a place where you can talk about faith and finance at the same time.

Guiding you to align your investments and financial planning with biblical principles.

Navigate the world of finance and investments through a scriptural lens.

Stop wondering if you’re making the right decisions about money.

Glorify God in all of your financial decisions.

Schedule a Discovery Call
Our goal is to guide you beyond mere financial security where you faithfully follow Christ in how you manage your wealth and strive to be rich in good deeds and generosity.

Our Mission

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 
Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.  In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
1 Timothy 6:17-19

The Peak Financial Promise

Choosing a financial planner is a deeply personal decision. With the Peak Financial Promise, we're committed to earning your trust and aligning your financial planning with your faith. We serve as your trustworthy guide for biblically-based investments and financial planning.
If we aren’t the right fit for you and your needs, we recommend someone else who is.
You are never pressured to make a decision.
We make it clear how we are compensated.
We listen carefully to your needs.
We get back to you in 24hrs
We’ll ask you the hard questions.
We will challenge you to give joyfully.

Meet Your Christian Financial Advisors

Nick Wolverton, CFP® CKA®

Financial Planner
Chanel Podell, RP®
Relationship Manager
Ty Johnson, CFP® CKA®
Financial Planner

Here’s how your journey begins.

1. Schedule a Free Consultation

We’ll assess your current financial situation and help you figure out if we’re the right fit for you!

2. Take Your First Steps

We’re going to work together on this! We make sure we understand your goals and then help you create a financial strategy built on biblical principles.

3. Serve Christ Faithfully

We support you year after year as you steward your wealth in alignment with your Christian faith.
Schedule a Discovery Call

Discover a financial path that aligns with your faith.

Schedule a call with our team of Christian Financial Advisors.

About Peak

At Peak Financial, we know you want to be a faithful follower of Christ, and something you care about deeply is managing your wealth in ways that follow His teachings.

But traditional financial planning doesn't help you make decisions that reflect your Christian faith. The temptations of wealth are very real, and it's easy to lose sight of Jesus along the way. You find yourself trapped in a crossroads, torn between the ways of the world and the ways of the Kingdom of God.

We believe every Christian deserves to learn how to manage their wealth in ways that honor God. We know you take your role as a disciple of Jesus seriously. That's why Peak Financial is a place where you can talk about faith and finance at the same time.

We are your partners in biblically-based investments and financial planning. Our comprehensive services provide everything you need in one place, and our team of Christian Financial Advisors helps you navigate the world of finance and investments through a scriptural lens.

Our goal is to guide you to the true peak of financial health, a place beyond mere financial security where you strive to create a surplus of wealth you can use to serve the Kingdom of God.

As experts in Christian wealth management, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with aligning your finances with your faith.

FAQs about working with a Chrisitian Financial Planner

What services does Peak Financial Management offer?

At Peak Financial Management, we provide comprehensive financial planning, investment management, retirement planning, debt elimination strategies, and charitable giving guidance.

Is Peak Financial Management a Certified Kingdom Advisor® (CKA®)?  

Yes, our financial planners are Certified Kingdom Advisors® (CKA®), ensuring their financial counsel aligns with biblical principles and Christian values.

How does Peak Financial Management incorporate biblical principles into financial planning?

We use scriptural wisdom to guide financial decisions, helping clients steward their resources in ways that honor God and support their faith-based goals.

How can Peak Financial Management help with Christin retirement planning?

Peak Financial flips the script on traditional retirement planning by prioritizing spiritual well-being alongside wealth. We integrate biblical principles, including cycles of work and rest, to help you avoid burnout and live a purposeful, productive life in retirement. Our guidance ensures you remain a faithful steward of God's resources, aligning your financial planning with your faith in Christ.

What if I’m not a Christian? Will Peak work with me?

Regardless of your beliefs, at Peak Financial, we are committed to excellent financial advice and genuine care. Our faith in Christ, motivates us to provide advice grounded in biblical principles, but we welcome clients from all backgrounds.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to our team.
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