What is a Certified Kingdom Advisor® and Why Does It Matter for Christian Investors?

What is a Certified Kingdom Advisor® and Why Does It Matter for Christian Investors? Learn about Certified Kingdom Advisors®, how they integrate biblical principles into financial advice, and why they matter for Christian investors seeking to align their investments with their faith.

The Bible is filled with timeless financial wisdom. In fact, there are around 2,350 verses in the Bible that address the topic1 of money. Yet, in spite of all the wisdom that Scripture offers, most people don’t view the Bible as the authority on financial matters. Kingdom Advisors2 wants to change that. 

Ron Blue, the founder of Kingdom Advisors casts a bold vision:

“that the church would be perceived as the source of all financial wisdom, at all times, under every circumstance.”

His goal is rooted in the belief that “God’s word is authoritative at all times for all financial planning and decision making…”

What is Kingdom Advisors?

Kingdom Advisors is a network of Christian financial professionals who are specially trained to help clients apply biblical principles to their financial situations. A Certified Kingdom Advisor® (CKA®) is a financial professional trained to integrate biblical principles into their work.

Understanding the Role of a Certified Kingdom Advisor® (CKA®)

A CKA’s® job is to help clients steward their finances wisely. They do this through both technical expertise and financial discipleship. 

A Certified Kingdom Advisor® may help their clients solve technical problems such as:

  • Cash flow management & budgeting
  • Charitable planning
  • Investment management
  • Retirement planning
  • Education funding
  • Business transition planning
  • And more!

In addition, a CKA® may also provide financial discipleship, helping clients understand what the Bible says about money, greed, contentment, generosity, work, rest, and other related topics. Financial discipleship can also include practical exercises such as clarifying individual or family values, setting goals, financial education, and more.

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The Importance of Aligning Investments with Biblical Values

Jesus demands that His disciples submit everything, even their very lives, to His lordship (Luke 14:25-35). Are their investments excluded from this call? Certainly not! 

25 Now great crowds accompanied him, and he turned and said to them, 26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. 27 Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. 28 For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? 29 Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, 30 saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’ 31 Or what king, going out to encounter another king in war, will not sit down first and deliberate whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? 32 And if not, while the other is yet a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks for terms of peace. 33 So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple. (Luke 14:25-35))

So, when it comes to investing, the core question for a Christian is not, “Should I align my portfolio with my faith?” but rather, “How do I represent Jesus through the way I invest?”

According to Eventide Investments, there are 3 primary strategies Christian investors can use to align their investments with their faith. They call these Avoid, Embrace, and Engage.

At Peak Financial, we implement these three aspects of faith-based investing by seeking to:

  1. Avoid investing in companies that primarily profit through exploitation or value extraction rather than value creation. (Proverbs 13:11, Proverbs 10:2)
  2. Embrace companies that generate profits by creating value for society.
  3. Engage with businesses, as owners, to cause positive change. (Matthew 5:13-16)

Much of our culture is shaped by business, and more and more Christians are realizing how much influence they can have on society through their investments. Imagine what could happen if every follower of Jesus saw their portfolio as a way to positively impact the world and began to practice faith-based investing: refusing to invest in companies that hurt the world through exploitation and extraction, eagerly supporting companies whose products and services create value for society, and engaging with businesses to shape their operations, policies, and practices for good. 

How a CKA® Differs from a Traditional Financial Advisor

There are many similarities between a traditional financial advisor and a Certified Kingdom Advisor®.

For example, both may offer similar services such as retirement planning, investment management, etc. Both are licensed by regulatory agencies like FINRA and/or the SEC. And, both may hold similar certifications (other than the CKA® of course!) such as the CFP® certification, ChFC®, or CPA. The biggest difference between a Certified Kingdom Advisor® and a traditional financial advisor is their worldview: A CKA® sees the Bible as the authority on all financial matters and as a result, bases their advice on the timeless wisdom of Scripture.

The Path to Becoming a Certified Kingdom Advisor®

Overview of Certification Requirements

There are three primary steps of the CKA® certification process:

1. Education

Once started, the education program must be completed within 6 months4 and includes 20 modules, each focusing on a specific topic such as stewardship, generosity, investing, life planning and goal setting, discipleship, and more3. The content of each module is deeply rooted in Scripture and taught by world-class instructors. Most of the lessons are taught by Ron Blue, but other instructors include Mitch Anthony and Jerry Bowyer.

To complete the education requirement of the CKA® certification, all 20 modules and their associated assignments, quizzes, and tests, must be completed with an overall average passing score of 70%.

2. Exam

Once the education requirement is met, candidates must pass the certification exam. The CKA® certification exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions and 1 case study. The exam is online but is monitored by live proctors. A score of 70% must be achieved to pass.

3. Application 

The final step of the process is to apply for certification. This application has additional requirements including 3 references (1 pastoral and 2 clients)6 and additional industry certifications or experience depending on the applicant's area of discipline. 

Kingdom Advisors outlines 6 different CKA® disciplines 4.

  1. Financial Planner
  2. Accountant
  3. Investment Professional
  4. Insurance Professional
  5. Lawyer
  6. Canadian Financial Professionals
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A CKA® can practice one or more of these disciplines, but the requirements for certification vary depending on the discipline chosen. In this article, we focus primarily on the Financial Planner and Investment Professional disciplines since those are the ones we practice here at Peak Financial Management.

For the Financial Planner discipline, the applicant must have either

  • The CFP® certification, the ChFC®, or the CPA/PFS. 


  • At least 10 years of experience plus submit a comprehensive financial plan they have prepared for a client.

For the Investment Professional discipline, the applicant must have either

  • The CFP® certification, ChFC®, CPA/PFS, CFA®, CIMA, or AAMS®


  • At least 10 years of experience.

If an applicant has completed all three components and meets all the professional requirements, they are granted the Certified Kingdom Advisor® designation.

The Value of a CKA® for Christian Investors

The Impact of Biblical Stewardship on Financial Decisions

The foundation of biblical stewardship is the belief that God owns everything, including our money (Psalm 24:1, Deuteronomy 10:14, Job 41:11, Psalm 50:12, Deuteronomy 8:17-18, 1 Chronicles 29:10-16). This means our money is not ours at all; instead, it belongs to God, and He has placed it under our management

We aren’t owners; we are God’s money managers. As a result, every financial decision we make involves God’s money. Are we handling His resources the way He wants us to?

Consider evaluating your current stewardship by asking yourself probing questions such as…

  • Do I pray before making financial decisions and submit to God’s will even if it differs from mine?
  • Does the way I use money show an ownership or stewardship mindset?
  • Do I spend my money on things that God cares about?
  • If someone I didn’t know reviewed my financial situation, would it be obvious that I was a follower of Jesus?
  • Do I make money by creating value for others or taking value from others?
  • What does my spending show is most important to me? (Matthew 6:18-24)
  • Do I worry about having enough for the future? (Matthew 6:25-34)
  • Do I intentionally use money to fulfill the Great Commission? (Matthew 28:16-20) 
  • Do I prioritize using money to care for the “least of these?” (Matthew 25:31-46)
  • Am I providing for my family's needs? (1 Timothy 5:8)
  • Am I saving money or do I spend everything I earn? (Proverbs 21:20)
  • Is debt limiting my choices, creating stress, or restricting my generosity? (Proverbs 22:7, Romans 13:7-8, Proverbs 22:26-27)

Understanding biblical stewardship should affect every aspect of our financial lives. Honestly answering questions like these can help us evaluate our current stewardship and identify areas that we can grow.

Comparing the Certified Kingdom Advisor® and the Certified Financial Planner® credentials

Instead of being viewed as two unrelated designations, the CKA® and CFP® credentials have a symbiotic relationship. In fact, the CFP® certification (or one of two similar designations) is required in order for a financial planner to become a CKA®.

The CFP® certification is widely considered the “gold standard” for financial planners, as the credential demonstrates a high degree of technical competence in constructing financial plans. The CKA®, however, provides additional training focused on integrating biblical principles into financial planning. 

Why the Distinction Matters for Christian Investors

Every financial planner has a worldview that will influence the advice they give to clients. While the CFP® designation is excellent at teaching the technical tools needed by financial planners, it doesn’t teach biblical stewardship. So, for Christians who want an advisor to help them align their finances with their faith a Certified Kingdom Advisor® is a great fit.

Finding Your Certified Kingdom Advisor®

Steps to Locate a CKA® Aligned with Your Financial Goals and Spiritual Values in Denver or across the US

There are two ways to find a Certified Kingdom Advisor®:

  1. Search the Kingdom Advisors directory to find a CKA® in your area.
  2. Schedule a Free Discovery Call with a CKA® here at Peak Financial Management. We will get to know you and your goals and help you determine the best next steps. We aren’t pushy or sales-y and if we aren’t the right fit, we’ll refer you to someone who is!

Questions to Ask Potential Advisors to Ensure a Good Fit

Make sure you thoroughly interview any potential financial planner before hiring them. Consider asking the following questions to gauge whether or not a potential advisor is a good fit:

Qualifications and Experience:

  • What credentials/certifications do you have?
  • How long have you been a financial planner?
  • How do you integrate biblical principles into your planning work?
  • Are you a fiduciary?
  • Do you work with other clients in similar situations as me?
  • Do you have a specialization or niche that you work best with?

Fees and Compensation

  • Please explain your fee structure and provide me with a personalized quote.
  • Are you fee-only, fee-based, or commission-based? 
  • How are you personally compensated?
  • How is your firm compensated?
  • Are there any other fees that I should expect to incur as a part of working together (investment expense ratios, transaction fees, wire fees, etc)?
  • How do you manage conflicts of interest? Can you give me an example?


  • What services do you provide/not provide?
  • How often do you meet with clients?
  • How quickly can I expect to hear back from you via email, phone, etc.?
  • How can I get the most out of your services?

Financial Planning

  • Can you explain your financial planning process?
  • Do you provide one-time, deliverable financial plans, or ongoing, dynamic planning services?
  • Do you proactively monitor your clients' financial plans?
  • What other professionals will need to help me implement my financial plan?

Investment Management

  • What is your investment philosophy?
  • Do you offer faith-based investing options?
  • Do you have any minimum account or portfolio size requirements?
  • Do you personalize portfolios for each client?


The Gospel impacts every area of life, including finances. So, followers of Jesus should look to Scripture to understand how God wants us to manage money. Ultimately, the foundation of all biblical wisdom on finances is that God owns everything, therefore, we are stewards.

The Certified Kingdom Advisor® designation trains Christian financial professionals to help their clients live out the wisdom of Scripture in their finances. If you are a follower of Jesus who wants to grow in your abilities as a financial steward, consider working with a CKA®.


What Makes a Certified Kingdom Advisor® Unique? 

The biggest difference between a Certified Kingdom Advisor® and a traditional financial advisor is their worldview: A CKA® sees the Bible as the authority on all financial matters and as a result, bases their advice on the timeless wisdom of Scripture.

How Can Working with a CKA® Change My Financial Strategy?

Exactly what changes in your strategy will depend on your situation, goals, and current plan. Some common things that a CKA® might recommend changing include switching to a faith-based investment strategy, as well as emphasizing generosity and charitable planning. If you don’t currently have a financial plan, then a CKA® can help you create one that is rooted in biblical wisdom.

Are There Specific Financial Products Recommended by CKA®s? 

There are no particular products that are endorsed or recommended by all CKA®s. However, certain tools, such as Donor Advised Funds for charitable giving, are popular among CKA®s.

Do all Certified Kingdom Advisor®s practice faith-based investing?

No. Certified Kingdom Advisors® are not required to practice faith-based investing. How to align investments with faith is viewed as a “disputable matter” by  Kingdom Advisors (see Romans 14). So, if faith-based investing is important to you, make sure to ask a potential CKA® before hiring them if they offer faith-based investing options and what the methodology and philosophy of those options are.

How Often Should I Review My Financial Plan with a CKA®?

Here at Peak Financial, we recommend reviewing and updating your financial plan with your Certified Kingdom Advisor® at least every 6 months. However, the ideal frequency for you will depend on factors such as complexity, preference, proximity to major financial goals, and more.

Do CKA’s® only work with Christians?

Everyone can benefit from financial planning rooted in biblical principles, so CKA’s® can help just about anyone get their finances in order. As a result, many CKA’s® work with both Christians and non-Christians, helping them apply the timeless wisdom of Scripture to their situations. However, Certified Kingdom Advisors® can often add additional value to Christians by helping them better live out their faith through their finances.

Here at Peak Financial Management, the majority of our clients are believers, however, we work with both Christians and non-Christians and treasure our relationships with both.

If you want to learn more, please read this letter from the owner, What If I’m Not a Christian?

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